APHH Beijing
Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Developing Chinese Megacity
- The measured emission fluxes of key air pollutants in the city centre, including NOx, VOCs, and black carbon, are much lower than predicted by the (downscaled) Multi-resolution emission inventory for China (MEIC). The city centre’s surface layer even locally becomes a sink rather than a source for fine particles, PM1, in the summer. However, the concentrations of these pollutants were very high, indicating a significant contribution from nonlocal sources.
- Models and observations consistently pointed to the key contribution of regional sources to Beijing’s PM2.5 pollution. Anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs also contribute significantly to secondary particles in Beijing. Reducing black carbon levels, arising from long range transport events, can potentially suppress aerosol meteorology feedbacks and shorten or reduce the severity of haze events.
- Multiple methods show consistently that road traffic is not a major source of primary particles, but does remain a significant source of NOx.
- China’s clean energy transition from 1992-2012 resulted in very substantial reductions in the ambient PM2.5 levels, however solid fuel combustion still contributed about 20% of the overall population weighted PM2.5.
- Personal exposure to poor air quality in the peri-urban area is much higher than in central Beijing, mainly due to residential coal combustion and biomass burning, with implications for inequalities in air pollution impacts.
- Ozone pollution is high in the summer, and levels have not improved in the past few years. Ozone pollution has the potential to worsen as future NOx and PM2.5 controls are implemented, unless key VOC emissions are regulated. Aromatic VOCs from fuel evaporation, and alcohols, ketones and aldehydes from domestic and industrial solvent consumption, are the largest anthropogenic contributors to local ozone formation.
- A new machine learning-based framework was developed to quantify the effects of clean air actions. The new method was applied to quantify the effects of Clean Air Actions in Beijing, and evaluated against traditional chemical transport modelling methods based on emissions inventories. The new framework also showed that the air quality benefits from the 2020 COVID lockdown were smaller than was observed or expected (and reported).
- The ammonia emission flux is very high in the city centre, but does not seem to be dominated by traffic. Reduction of ammonia emissions has the potential to significantly reduce PM2.5 mass concentrations.
- Commercial face masks offer potential personal protection from PM2.5 pollution, but leakage can reduce their effectiveness. Air purifiers can effectively reduce indoor PM2.5 levels and the impact of air pollution on health.
- Increases in air pollution are associated with a deleterious mental health effects.
Overall, APHH-Beijing significantly advanced understanding of air pollution in Beijing, supporting policy development which will provide widespread human health improvements across a significant population, particularly for the vulnerable people. APHH-Beijing outcomes will also support United Nations sustainable development goals including “Sustainable cities and communities”, “Reduced inequality”, “Good Health and Well-being”, and “Affordable and Clean Energy”. APHH-Beijing scientists have engaged with stakeholders from the beginning of the programme and delivered a policy brief to policymakers including from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Beijing Bureau of Ecology and Environment. Some of the APHH-Beijing research outcomes, such as the updated high resolution emission inventories and air pollutant emissions from residential sources, have already contributed to policymaking. The programme enhanced UK-China collaboration, facilitated training of the next generation of scientists, and left a legacy of enhanced scientific understanding and policy impact in China, the UK and beyond for the future.
- 北京市中心主要大气污染物(挥发性有机物、氮氧化物和黑碳等)的实测排放通量远低于基于代用参数方法从“中国多尺度排放清单模型(MEIC)”估算的降尺度排放量。在夏季,市中心区地表层甚至变成了一个亚微米颗粒物(PM1)的汇,而不是源。但是,在APHH-Beijing观测期间,北京市大气污染的浓度水平仍然相对很高,表明它们(除氮氧化物以外)主要来自非本地来源。
- 观测和模型结果均表明了跨区域传输是北京大气PM5污染的主要来源。此外,人为和生物源排放的挥发性有机物也对北京地区二次颗粒物有重要贡献。减少长距离输送到北京的黑碳,有可能抑制气溶胶-气象反馈机制,并缩短霾的持续时间或降低霾的严重程度。
- 多种方法一致表明,道路交通不是北京市一次颗粒物的主要来源,但它仍然是氮氧化物的重要来源。
- 社会经济发展驱动下,中国农村生活能源的清洁化转型导致生活源排放及其对环境PM5浓度的贡献显著下降。尽管如此,2012年农村生活源固体燃料对大气PM2.5年均浓度的贡献仍高达20%左右。
- 在2016年冬季,郊区/农村居民空气污染暴露水平明显高于北京市中心地区,这主要是由农村生活能源排放所导致的。该结果彰显不同能源结构所造成的城乡空气污染人群健康的不公平性。
- 臭氧污染在夏季比较严重,而且污染水平在过去几年中没有明显改善的迹象。随着今后对氮氧化物和PM5的进一步控制,如果不能加大对关键挥发性有机物物种排放的控制,臭氧污染有可能会进一步恶化。导致局地臭氧形成的主要挥发性有机物包括来自燃油蒸发排放的芳香族挥发性有机物和来自家用、工业溶剂使用排放的含氧挥发性有机物。
- 利用机器学习和基于排放清单的传统化学传输模型方法均表明,北京市2013到2017年空气质量的大幅度改善主要是由于污染物减排所导致,但是气象条件变化对年均空气质量有重要影响。应用该新方法还发现2020年新冠肺炎封城带来的空气质量提升效益比预期的要小。
- 北京市中心的氨排放通量很高,但其主要来源似乎不是交通排放。减少氨排放有可能显著降低PM5的质量浓度。
- 部分商业口罩可有效降低PM5的个人暴露,但泄漏会降低口罩的有效性。空气净化器也可以有效降低室内PM2.5水平,减少空气污染对健康的影响。
- 空气污染对心理健康有显著影响。
综上所述,APHH-Beijing研究增加了我们对北京 及周边地区 空气污染排放、过程和健康效应的了解,为制定政策进一步控制大气污染提供了科学支持。APHH-Beijing和利益相关者,包括生态环境部和北京市生态环境局举行了两次交流会,促进了研究成果向政策的转化。该研究计划还加强了中英科研合作,促进了对青年科学家的培训,并为未来在中国、英国和世界各地开展大气污染相关的国际科研合作提供了有益的经验和教训。
Scientific aims
- Determine the emission fluxes of key air pollutants and to measure the contributions of different sources, economic sectors and regional transport to air pollution in Beijing.
- Assess whether the processes by which pollutants are transformed or removed through transport, chemical reactions and photolysis and the rates of formation and conversion of particulate matter via atmospheric reactions
- Quantify how the detailed properties of particulate matter evolve and can influence their physical properties and behaviour in the atmosphere and elucidate the mechanisms whereby those properties may interact and feedback on urban scale and regional meteorology
- To determine exposure of Beijing inhabitants to key health related pollutants using personal air pollution monitors and assess the associated between air pollution exposure and key cardiopulmonary measures
- Determine the contribution of specific activities, environments and pollution sources to the personal exposure of the Beijing population to air pollutants derived from outdoor sources
- Carry out toxicogenomics and exposure genomics research, analyse genomics, epigenetics and metabolomics changes and examine screening biomarkers of exposure and effect
- Determine whether Beijing can achieve the APEC Blue’ by only reducing emissions from production sources and economic loss due to both physical and mental impacts of air pollution
Funded projects
1. Sources & emissions of air pollutants in Beijing (AIRPOLL-Beijing)
Lead UK PI: Prof Roy Harrison; Lead Chinese PI: Prof. Kebin He
WP1: Three Dimensional Spatial Analyses [lead: Kalberer, Sun]
WP1 will provide a 3D air pollutant field over representative regions of Beijing. Spatially resolved measurements will be made using recently developed readily deployable low cost measurement nodes, measuring gas phase species (NO, NO2, O3, CO, SO2, total VOCs, CO2), size revolved particles (0.4-20 um) and meteorological parameters (2D wind, T, RH).
WP2: Receptor Modelling Studies [lead: Allan, Zheng]
This work package will identify and apportion the sources of air pollutants through a wide range of chemical composition measurements. Receptor modeling is a highly powerful and commonly-used approach to source apportionment, whereby the contributions of various sources to pollutants measured in situ are quantitatively estimated based on the measurement data alone, rather than invoking knowledge of the source strengths.
WP3: Emission Quantification [Lead: Lee, Zhang]
In this WP, we aim to provide a high resolution emission inventory of air pollutants in Beijing. We will enhance the existing inventories for Beijing and the surrounding region by improving the underlying activity and emission factor database and its spatial resolution.
WP4: Top-Down Fluxes Inferred from Satellite Data [Lead: Palmer, Zhang]
This WP aims to quantify the flux of NO2, SO2 and HCHO in Beijing and surrounding areas.
WP5: Chemistry-Transport Modelling [Lead: Wild, Li]
This WP will provide a year-long source apportionment of air pollutants in Beijing and surrounding areas using a chemistry transport model and a hybrid receptor and CTM model.
WP6: Synthesis and Integration [Lead: Harrison, He]
An essential part of this research project will be to synthesis and integrate the results from the different components, with the broad aims of greatly increasing the reliability of the emissions inventory, providing a clearer distinction between advected regional pollution and the impact of local sources, and quantifying the role of secondary pollutant formation/chemical destruction in influencing the air pollution climate of Beijing.
2. An integrated study of air pollution processes in Beijing (AIRPRO)
Lead UK PI: Prof Ally Lewis; Lead Chinese PI: Prof Pingqing Fu
WP1: Oxidation chemistry
Identify the dominant oxidative degradation pathways in Beijing via hydroxyl (OH) and nitrate (NO 3) radicals and O3 reactions, and test these against explicit chemical mechanisms (the Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM)). Assessment of detailed gas and aerosol composition, and integrated chemical properties such as OH lifetime and ozone production efficiency, will help quantify rates of photochemical smog formation, disaggregate transport from processing of local emissions, and provide a reference for all model simulations with a range of scheme complexities.
WP2: Nitrogen budgets
Establish the total reactive nitrogen source and sink budget for Beijing, the role of nitrogen reservoir species in determining local and regional ozone concentrations and in controlling gastoparticle transfer to aerosols. This will include an evaluation of the combined impact of anthropogenic (including agricultural) and biogenic (vegetation) emissions on the nitrogen budget via organic nitrate formation.
WP3: Aerosol Physical and Optical Properties
Develop a detailed description of physical and optical properties, pollution loadings and the influence of humidity tailored to the high haze environment of Beijing, and assess the impacts of aerosols on photochemical processes. The developments would be informed and evaluated via comparison with observations of optical and physical properties, including water uptake, using measurements made under a range of atmospheric conditions.
WP4: Secondary aerosols
Establish experimentally the contributions of secondary aerosols to haze abundance in Beijing and the rates of production from precursors such as SO2, NH4 and organic compounds. This objective will combine detailed gas phase observations of condensable gases from WP1 and 2 (both organic and inorganic) with measurement of their partitioning into PM, and abundance in PM via a range of experiment measurement techniques, both on and offline.
WP5: Urban meteorology
Quantify the influence of tall buildings in Beijing on dispersion, flow, thermal mixing and urban surfaceatmosphere exchanges, for the urban canopy layer (micro scale), above the roughness sublayer (neighborhood scale) and the urban boundary layer (city scale). This will be achieved through a combination of field measurements, wind tunnel experiments and numerical modelling.
WP6: Feedbacks between haze, photochemistry and dynamics
Develop strategies to use the observational data from WP3 to study the links and feedbacks between the pollution particulate loading and the photochemical and dynamical processes that lead to the most severe buildup of pollution in inversion events, integrating fundamental understanding with local factors unique to Beijing.
WP7: Integration via multiscale modelling
Exploit regional and urbanscale models to enhance process understanding using results from the WPs above. This will enable a seamless scale up of new understanding from detailed process models, via reduced chemistry schemes, to regional models, and permit simulation of regional to urban chemistryaerosolmeteorology haze interactions. The insights gained from comparison with observations will be used to guide model enhancements for improved model simulations at street level, a necessity for exposure studies.
3. Air pollution impacts on cardiopulmonary disease in Beijing: An integrated study of exposure science, toxicogenomics & environmental epidemiology (APIC-ESTEE)
UK lead PI: Prof Frank Kelly; Chinese lead PI: Prof Tong Zhu
WP1: Recruitment and Questionnaires
Establish two panels comprising of 120 individuals each from the PRC-USA and INTERMAP cohorts. By home interview we will re-enrol 120 participants of the PRC-USA Study who live in urban Beijing and 120 participants of the China INTERMAP Study who reside in outer Beijing in the Pinggu region
WP2: Personal Air Monitor measurement
Use personal air pollution monitors to assess panel participants to exposure to key health related pollutants
WP3: Assessment of cardiopulmonary function
Assess cardiopulmonary function in PRC-USA and INTERMAP panels
WP4: Linkage with other themes
Although a novel feature of this application is the collection of individualised air pollution exposure data on all panel members the project is strengthened further through the planned use of the rich set of pollution metrics that will be collected by the chosen projects under Themes I and II.
WP5: Assessment of the association between air pollution exposure and key cardiopulmonary measures
Our aim in WP5 is to examine the relationship between exposure to air pollutants collected in WP2 (personal monitoring and data obtained from Theme I) and cardiopulmonary symptoms and events, focusing on seasonal changes and urban versus peri-urban airsheds.
4. Effects of air pollution on cardiopulmonary disease in urban & peri-urban residents in Beijing (AIRLESS)
UK lead PI: Dr Miranda Loh; Chinese lead PI: Prof Zhiwei Sun
WP1: Exposure monitoring
This WP focuses on air pollution sampling at fixed monitoring stations and sampling of personal exposure. Fixed site monitoring: Monitoring data for PM2.5, NO2, and O3 will be obtained from fixed sites operated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The physicochemical properties of the PM samples will be analysed, and used in source apportionment.
WP2: Exposure modelling
This work package focuses on analysis of the data collected in WP1 and modelling air pollution concentrations across our Beijing study area. The efforts of this WP will link with work being done by projects in Themes 1 and 2, which will evaluate the emission sources and atmospheric processes which affect the dispersion and transformation of emissions across the city.
Work package 3 (WP3): Human panel study 1: biological effects of exposure
WP3 will entail the compilation of exposure and response data, including biochemical analyses of blood and urine specimens and their analysis with respect to within-person and between-person variations.
WP4: Human Panel Study 2: ‘Intervention’ study.
We will examine whether reducing particle exposure via facemask wearing has a significant effect on reducing or reversing the effects of air pollution as observed in the panel study (WP3).
WP5: Cohort study of long-term exposure
This WP will entail an analysis of the BHTCS, a cohort of 8000 Beijing residents, free of CVD and aged 40 to 74 years at recruitment in 2012. Demographic data, family and personal medical history, smoking status, levels of blood pressure, fasting glucose, lipids, and other CVD associated information have been collected and blood samples stored in a biobank.
Work package 6 (WP6): Cardiovascular and pulmonary toxicity and mechanistic study
The objective of this WP is to investigate the relationships between PM2.5 and cardiopulmonary diseases using animal models to explore thrombogenesis formation, atherosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and roles of oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial injury as well as EMT/MET in cardiopulmonary disease.
Work package 7 (WP7): Early life effects
Beijing Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital (BOGH), affiliated to the Capital Medical University has established the early life exposure birth cohort, and 460 samples have been collected until March 1, 2015.
Work package 8 (WP8): Exposure control strategies
While pollution control is the best way to safeguard public health from the adverse effects of high air pollution, it is unrealistic to assume that the major improvements will be in place in a short timescale. In that context, it is important to understand what individuals, especially patients, can do to limit exposures.
5. Integrated assessment of the emission-health-socioeconomics nexus & air pollution mitigation solutions & interventions in Beijing (INHANCE)
UK lead PI: Prof Dabo Guan; Chinese lead PI: Prof Shu Tao
WP1: Project Management and Communication
To ensure the overall objectives are met in an interdisciplinary environment, we will have an Executive Committee consisting of the two co-PIs, two project coordinators, 6 ‘Champions’ and 2-3 key policy stakeholders. The 3 champion pairs, with relevant research expertise from INHANCE, will map to each programme theme for co-production of knowledge and efficient integration among the entire consortium
WP2: Quantitative performance assessment of China’s current air pollution policies
This WP will score the effectiveness of current anti-air pollution measures in China. The scorecards will help the whole consortium better understand the strengths and weaknesses of different measures and identify cost-effective measures in current anti-air pollution policies.
WP3: Nexus among energy-emission-health (physical and mental)-socioeconomic impact.
Quantify these interactive among vulnerability, health, implication for industry and economic consequences.
WP4: Integrated policy design and assessment for policy cost-effectiveness.
INHANCE is an integrator for the projects funded in other themes to deliver an evidence based, fully coordinated and practically feasible solution for China’s urban air pollution mitigation.
University of Birmingham
Roy Harrison: r.m.harrison@bham.ac.uk
Zongbo Shi: z.shi@bham.ac.uk
Bill Bloss: w.j.bloss@bham.ac.uk
Tuan Vu: v.vu@bham.ac.uk
Di Liu: dliu115@163.com
David Beddows: d.c.beddows@bham.ac.uk
Leigh Crilley: l.crilley@bham.ac.uk
Louisa Kramer: kramerL@bham.ac.uk
University of Manchester
Huge Coe: huge.coe@manchester.ac.uk
Carl Percival: carl.percival@manchester.ac.uk
James Allan: James.allan@manchester.ac.uk
Dantong Liu: dantong.liu@manchester.ac.uk
University of York
James Lee: james.lee@york.ac.uk
Jacqueline Hamilton: jacqui.hamilton@york.ac.uk
Cambridge University
Markus Kalberer: markus.kalberer@atm.ch.cam.ac.uk
Sarah Steimer: ss2349@cam.ac.uk
Lancaster University
Nick Hewitt: n.hewitt@lancaster.ac.uk
Oliver Wild: o.wild@lancaster.ac.uk
Brian Davison: b.davison@lancaster.ac.uk
University of Edinburgh
Paul Palmer: pip@ed.ac.uk
NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Eiko Nemitz: en@ceh.ac.uk
Ben Langford: benngf@ceh.ac.uk
Tsinghua University
Kebin He: chenxt@tsinghua.edu.cn
Qiang Zhang: qiangzhang@tsinghua.edu.cn
Yixuan Zheng:zheng-yx13@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Xin Li: lxin12@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
Huan Liu: liu_env@tsinghua.edu.cn
Fengkui Duan: duanfk@tsinghua.edu.cn
Xuijia Jiang: jiangxujia@tsinghua.edu.cn
Peking University
Mei Zheng: mzheng@pku.edu.cn
Li Xiaoying: xiaoying0303@pku.edu.cn
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jie Li: lijie8074@mail.iap.ac.cn
Yele Sun:sunyele@mail.iap.ac.cn
Qingqing Wang: wangqingqing0119@163.com
Wei Du:duwei6@mail2.sysu.edu.cn
Jian Zhao:zhaojian@mail.iap.ac.cn
Tingting Han:tingting1899@163.com
Yingjie Zhang:zhangyj@mail.iap.ac.cn
Zhe Wang:wangzhe@mail.iap.ac.cn
Huansheng Chen: chenhuansheng@mail.iap.ac.cn.
Wenyi Yang:youngwy89@163.com
Xueshun Chen:chenxsh@mail.iap.ac.cn
Huiyun Du:hydu2012@126.com
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wang Xinming: wangxm@gig.ac.cn
Hu Qihou: huqihou@gig.ac.cn
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Shao Longyi: shaoL@cumtb.edu.cn
Hou Cong: houcong126@126.com
University of York
Alastair Lewis: ally.lewis@york.ac.uk
Andrew Rickard: andrew.rickard@york.ac.uk
David Carslaw: david.carslaw@york.ac.uk
University of Manchester
Huge Coe: huge.coe@manchester.ac.uk (also in AIRPOLL)
Carl Percival: carl.percival@manchester.ac.uk (also in AIRPOLL)
James Allan: James.allan@manchester.ac.uk (also in AIRPOLL)
Gordon McFiggans: gordon.b.mcfiggans@manchester.ac.uk
University of Reading
Janet Barlow: j.f.barlow@reading.ac.uk
C.S.B (Sue) Grimmond: c.s.grimmond@reading.ac.uk
University of Cambridge
Roderic (Rod) Jones: rlj1001@cam.ac.uk
University of Birmingham
Bill Bloss: w.j.bloss@bham.ac.uk (also in AIRPOLL)
University of Lead
Dwayne Heard: D.E.Heard@leeds.ac.uk
Lisa Whalley: L.K.Whalley@leeds.ac.uk
Graham Mann: g.w.mann@leeds.ac.uk
Dominick Spracklen: d.v.spracklen@leeds.ac.uk
University of East Anglia
Claire Reeves: c.reeves@uea.ac.uk
Graham Mills: g.mills@uea.ac.uk
Lancaster University
Oliver Wild: o.wild@lancaster.ac.uk
University of Edinburgh:
Ruth Doherty: ruth.doherty@ed.ac.uk
David Stevenson: David.S.Stevenson@ed.ac.uk
CERC- Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants
David Carruthers: david.carruthers@cerc.co.uk
Met Office’s Hadley Centre
Fiona O’Connor: fiona.oconnor@metoffice.gov.uk
University of Leicester
Paul Monks: p.s.monks@le.ac.uk
Roland Leigh: rl40@le.ac.uk; r.j.leigh@leicester.ac.uk;
IAP, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Pingqing Fu: fupingqing@mail.iap.ac.cn
Guangyu Shi: shiqy@mail.iap.ac.cn
Yele Sun: sunyele@mail.iap.ac.cn
Tie Dai: daitie@mail.iap.ac.cn
Baozhu Ge: gebz@mail.iap.ac.cn
Zifa Wang: zifawang@mail.iap.ac.cn
Peking University
Zhijun Wu: zhijunwu@pku.edu.cn
Keding Lu: k.lu@pku.edu.cn
IC, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Maofa Ge: yuzh@iccas.ac.cn
Shengrui Tong: tongsr@iccas.ac.cn
Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS
Pinhua Xie: phxie@aiofm.ac.cn
Min Qin: mqing@aiofm.ac.cn
Renzhi Hu: rzhu@aiofm.ac.n
King’s College London
Frank Kelly: frank.kelly@kcl.ac.uk
Ben Barratt : benjamin.barratt@kcl.ac.uk
Hanbin Zhang: hanbin.zhang@kcl.ac.uk
Imperial College
Paul Elliott: p.elliott@ic.ac.uk
Queenie Chan: q.chan@imperial.ac.uk
Majid Ezzati: majid.ezzati@imperial.ac.uk
Cambridge University
Roderic Jones: rlj1001@cam.ac.uk
Lia Chatzidiakou: ec571@cam.ac.uk
Bin Ouyang: bo237@cam.ac.uk
Peking University
Tong Zhu: zhut@pku.edu.cn
Yiqun Han: yiqunhs@126.com
Meiping Zhao: mpzhao@pku.edu.cn
Duke Kunhan University
Junfeng (Jim) Zhang: junfeng.zhang@duke.edu
Peking University Clinical Research
Yangfeng Wu: ywu@georgeinstitute.org
IOM- Institute of Occupational Medicine
Miranda Loh: Miranda.loh@iom-world.org
Fintan Hurley: fintan.hurley@iom-world.org
University of Edinburgh
Jeremy Langrish: jeremy.langrish@ed.ac.uk
Mark Miller: mark.miller@ed.ac.uk
Mat Heal: m.heal@ed.ac.uk
Ruth Doherty: ruth.doherty@ed.ac.uk (also in AIRPRO)
London School of Tropical Medicine-LSHTM
Paul Wilkinson: paul.wilkinson@lshtm.ac.uk
Heriot Watt University-HWU
John Cherrie: j.cherrie@hw.ac.uk
NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH)
Stefan Reis: srei@ceh.ac.uk
Tsinghua University
Fengkui Duan: duanfk@tsinghua.edu.cn
Capital Medical University- CCMU
Zhiwei Sun: zwsun@hotmail.com ; zwsun@ccmu.edu.cn
Xianqing Zhou: xqzhou@ccmu.edu.cn
Peili Huang: huangpl@ccmu.edu.cn
Songbiao Yan
Yi Chen
Xinghe Wang: wangxinghe@yahoo.com
(Phase I Clinical Center, Beijing Shijitan Hospital, Capital Medical University)
Bin Jiang
Peking University-PU
Xinbiao Guo: guoxb@bjmu.edu.cn
Furong Deng: lotus321321@126.com
University of East Angelia
Dabo Guan:Dabo.Guan@uea.ac.uk
Peter Brimblecombe: p.brimblecombe@uea.ac.uk
Steve Dorling: s.dorling@uea.ac.uk
Brian Reid: b.reid@uea.ac.uk
Yuan Li: y.li4@uea.ac.uk
Peking University
Shu Tao: taos@pku.edu.cn
Xuejun Wang:xjwang@urban.pku.edu.cn
Junfeng Liu:jfliu@pku.edu.cn
Huizhong Shen: shenzh2008@gmail.com
Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science
Fahe Chai:chaifh@craes.org.cn
Zhipei Bai:baizp@craes.org.cn
Funding Partners

To date, the APHH- Beijing team has contributed to over 400 international peer-reviewed scientific journal papers including in multidisciplinary journals and 47 in the APHH-Beijing Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics / Atmospheric Measurement Techniques special Issue. More importantly, APHH-Beijing generated a range of scientific insights which can support the development of mitigation strategies to improve air quality and public health and reduce air quality inequality.
- Our final report (including policy recommendations) is available in English and Chinese.
- The full list of publications is available for download in pdf.
- For the data, please see: https://edata.bham.ac.uk/632/
- Shi, Z., Loh, M., Jackson, C., Guan, D., 2021. APHH-Beijing clean air for health: how to protect yourself. Doi: 10.25500/edata.bham.00000632